Date 2005/09/11 13:43:55
Name BluSkai
Subject []WE.Remind interviewed. (08/02)
약 한달전에 올라왔던건데, 이제서야 봤네요..... 해석은...... 하다가 GG 쳤습니다 ㅠ_ㅠ

Hello, ReMinD. Would you please introduce yourself by giving us your name, age, and location?

Hello, my name is Sung Sik Kim. I am 19 years old and live in Korea and am currently playing for the pro-team WE.

Could you tell us how you came up with the name 'ReMinD'?

When I joined Clan Phoenix (PNix) on Kalimdor I created an account PhoeNix_NewWar. But then someone stole it so I needed a new name. I wanted to make a name which had meaning for me, and I came up with PhoeNix_ReMinD and I loved the name when I created it and it has stuck with me since.

Why did you decide to choose Night Elf as your main race?

Usually I like to stick to something I start, and I started with Night Elf, and it has stuck with my ever since. I didn't want to change to other races, instead just concentrate on one race and get better and better.

What do you like about Night Elf?

Demon Hunter because he is very powerful when used with skill, but he is very weak when used without skill. And just simply because Night Elf fits my playing style very well and it suits my personality.

Many people consider WarCraft III to be imbalanced, especially Night Elves. What are your views on balance in WarCraft III?

I think that the game is well balanced right now, and that people need to adjust to various strategies instead of using cookie-cutter ones, and then lose, and then call their opponents' units imba. But I think Blizzard's patch 1.19 will make the necessary changes and I will respect them.

Many people consider you the best player in the world, especially after beating Moon both in IGE league tournaments and Season 2 Ladder Tournament. What are your thoughts on this? How did you get to this level of skill/play?

I do not think I am the best player in the world and I think me beating Moon was a lot of luck too. All Night Elves are bad in mirror, even Moon or I will lose many times in mirror. But I do feel very good that people think I am one of the best and that I have many fans who watch me play; but I feel that I need to train much more and win big in offline matches like WCG so I can prove I am professional. To go from hasu to gosu (noob to pro) I had to play many years (this is my 3rd year of War3) and I play mass customs/ladder and watch replays and matches. I started in RoC and ShowTime was my idol and I learned a lot from him as I would watch his replays/matches from Korean TV in RoC/TFT. When TFT came out I put so much effort into the game that I eventually got to the skill level I am at now.

Many people consider the WarCraft III scene to be dead or dying, especially in Korea where StarCraft has traditionally always been far more popular than WarCraft III. What are your thoughts and opinions on this?

I think it's a pity for the WarCraft III community, but since WarCraft III is growing more popular, especially in China, I think WarCraft III will eventually be more popular than StarCraft.

You recently played in the international ACON5 tournament. You did very well until you reached the finals where you lost 0-4 to Sky. What are your thoughts on this? Any regrets? What happened?

After I lost the first game it wasn't me playing anymore. My brain just stopped functioning, and I didn't practice versus Human much. I only had one strategy and I needed to adjust but I never did which is why I need more experience in offline gaming so I can be a champion internationally and in Korean tournaments.

You are now involved in another international offline tournament, WCG. How have you been performing in WCG and what are your goals? Who will be your toughest competition?

I want to be the undefeated champion of WCG and I will train very hard to accomplish that. I think that everyone in WCG will be very tough competition as there are so many gosu from all over the world.

You just recently defended your title as grand champion of the Season 2 Ladder Tournament. How do you feel about this accomplishment?

I didn't think that I would be the champion again as the competition was much greater this season, but I am very happy and grateful for accomplishing this.

What is your best and worst matchup and why?

My best matchup is versus Orc because mass Druids of the Talon is still very strong versus them and my worst matchup is versus Undead because Gargoyle harass is very hard for me to handle with my play style and strategy(ies).

How much does WarCraft III mean to you and what are your goals for WarCraft III while you continue to play?

I think WarCraft III is life for me right now and I hope to have a lot of success while playing it and become the international champion of WarCraft III. I also want to make the most of WarCraft III and how much fun it is for me while I still have the time/opportunity to do so.

How do you prepare for important matchups?

I do everything... Ladder, custom, and watch my enemy's replays. I try to analyze his strategies and weakness and exploit it by using a strategy which will defeat him/her and try to improve my micro.

You and your AT partner SoJu have had a lot of success playing together by developing an unmatched record on the Kalimdor server and making the finals in both Season Ladder Tournaments. How do you feel about your relationship with SoJu and how do you guys win as you do?

We have been friends since RoC and know each other very well and have played for a very long time together. So we know each others' strengths and weaknesses and what to do when playing together...we have very good chemistry so-to-speak. I feel we are very good friends and not only online but in real life.

Can you tell us about your hotkeys? And also what your thought process is when going into a battle.

I think my hotkeys are for left-handers only, because I am left-handed.
1 - All Heroes + Huntresses/Druids of the Talon
2 - Dryad/Archer
3 - 1st Hero
4 - 2nd Hero
5 - Other units
6 - None
7 - Ancient of Wind
8 - Ancient of Lore
9 - Ancient of War
0 - Altar
If Bear/Dryad:
1 - All Heroes/Dryads
2 - Bears Only (for easy micro)
Thought Process:
1 - Analyze battle situation to see if you can win the fight.
2 - Get into good positioning.
3 - Use hero spells.
4 - Use unit spells.
5 - Micro (while doing the above)
What is a typical day for ReMinD?

Sometimes my days are different. But usually I get up and just play WarCraft III and train hard especially during times where I am in tournaments such as WCG right now. I also go to church and pray to God before matches and such (Christian) and hang out with friends and go out when I am bored of WarCraft III. But WarCraft III is most of my life right now, as pro-gaming takes a lot of dedication and commitment to the game you are pro at.

You recently joined WE with your partner SoJu, why? And what are your thoughts on the clan. Many were expecting WE to be in WC3L, how come they weren't?

I think WE is a very good clan and a few months ago, ShowTime suggested to SoJu and I that we should join the clan and we did. Our clan will be the best clan in the world soon and we will be showing everyone in the WarCraft III community that soon. I do not know why WE did not attend WC3L, you have to ask the managers.

Where did you get your stylish glasses?

My friend just suggested them to me when I needed to go get glasses, nothing else.

Rice or Noodles?

Steamed rice much more.

Let's play a game. Say the first thing that comes to mind when I mention something from WarCraft III.

Gargoyle: Annoying harass ... so much
Undead: Imba!!!
Spirit_Moon: Godly player ... he is not even Night Elf :p
ShowTime: Best brother for WE and personal friend/idol.
SoJu: Genius in WarCraft III/Natural Gosu ... But doesn't have a lot of effort...
Panda: Best NE Hero versus UD
BeastMaster: Big Daddy for NE
Wisp: Wisp > all
Human Peasant: Raped
Batriders: Imba suicide
Lvl10 Warden: Most imba...all raped...she rape all

Any final shoutouts?

Thank you so much for support from all my fans and I wish you all best of luck and I would like to meet and hangout/talk to you guys so come say hi to me sometime! See you everyone!

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
05/09/11 21:07
수정 아이콘
저도 해석 하다가 gg네요..누가 한글로 안올려주려나..0.0
05/09/11 21:19
수정 아이콘
'헬로, 리마인드 우드 유 플리스' 이런식으로요? 쿨럭..
농담이었습니다. -_-);
05/09/11 21:50
수정 아이콘
WCReplays(이하 W) : Hello, ReMinD. Would you please introduce yourself by giving us your name, age, and location?
안녕, 리마인드. 너의 이름과, 나이, 어디에 사는지등을 소개해줄 수 있겠니?

Remind(이하 R) : Hello, my name is Sung Sik Kim. I am 19 years old and live in Korea and am currently playing for the pro-team WE.
안녕, 내 이름은 김성식이고, 나이는 열아홉이야. 그리고 한국에 살고 있고. 지금(currently) WE 프로팀을 위해 플레이하고 있어

W : Could you tell us how you came up with the name 'ReMinD'?
우리에게 왜 '리마인드'를 쓰는지 알려줄래?

R : When I joined Clan Phoenix (PNix) on Kalimdor I created an account PhoeNix_NewWar. But then someone stole it so I needed a new name. I wanted to make a name which had meaning for me, and I came up with PhoeNix_ReMinD and I loved the name when I created it and it has stuck with me since.
내가 칼림도어에 있는 피닉스클랜에 가입했을때 나는 PhoeNix_NewWar라는 계정을 만들었지. 그런데, 그러고나서 누군가가 뺏어버려서(stole), 그래서 새로운 이름을 필요로 했지. 나는 나에게 의미있는 이름을 만들기 원했고 그래서 PhoeNix_ReMinD라는게 떠올랐어(came up with : ~이 떠오르다. ~을 내놓다. 이거 어제 학교에서 배운건데 =]
). 그리고 그것이 내 머리속에 떠오르고 만들었을때부터 나는 이 이름을 좋아했어

W : Why did you decide to choose Night Elf as your main race?
왜 나엘을 주종족으로 선택하기로 결정했니?

R : Usually I like to stick to something I start, and I started with Night Elf, and it has stuck with my ever since. I didn't want to change to other races, instead just concentrate on one race and get better and better.

W : What do you like about Night Elf?
나엘의 어떤것을 좋아하니?

R : Demon Hunter because he is very powerful when used with skill, but he is very weak when used without skill. And just simply because Night Elf fits my playing style very well and it suits my personality.
데몬헌터. 왜냐하면 그(데몬헌터)는 스킬을 쓸 때 매우 파워풀해. 그런데 그는 스킬이 없으면 연약해. 그리고 그냥 단순한건데, 나엘은 나의 플레이스타일과 매우 잘 맞기 때문이기도 해, 그리고 그것은 내 성격(혹은 개성)과도 잘맞아.

W : Many people consider WarCraft III to be imbalanced, especially Night Elves. What are your views on balance in WarCraft III?
많은 사람들이 워3가 언밸런스하다고 생각해, 특히나 나이트엘프가. 워3의 밸런스의 관한 너의 관점은 어때?

R : I think that the game is well balanced right now, and that people need to adjust to various strategies instead of using cookie-cutter ones, and then lose, and then call their opponents' units imba. But I think Blizzard's patch 1.19 will make the necessary changes and I will respect them.
내가 생각하기에 게임은 좋은 밸런스를 가져야하는데 당연하다고 보고...... 그 뒤로는 해석불가능 (죄송합니다 ;;;)

W : Many people consider you the best player in the world, especially after beating Moon both in IGE league tournaments and Season 2 Ladder Tournament. What are your thoughts on this? How did you get to this level of skill/play?
많은 사람들이 니가 세계에서 베스트 플레이어로 생각해. 특히나 IGE 토너먼트때의 Moon과의 beating과 배넷 시즌2 래더토너먼트에서 말이지. 이것에 대해 어떻게 생각해? 스킬이나 플레이의 단계를 올리는 방법은?

R : I do not think I am the best player in the world and I think me beating Moon was a lot of luck too. All Night Elves are bad in mirror, even Moon or I will lose many times in mirror. But I do feel very good that people think I am one of the best and that I have many fans who watch me play; but I feel that I need to train much more and win big in offline matches like WCG so I can prove I am professional. To go from hasu to gosu (noob to pro) I had to play many years (this is my 3rd year of War3) and I play mass customs/ladder and watch replays and matches. I started in RoC and ShowTime was my idol and I learned a lot from him as I would watch his replays/matches from Korean TV in RoC/TFT. When TFT came out I put so much effort into the game that I eventually got to the skill level I am at now.
나는 세계에서의 베스트 플레이어라고 생각하지 않아. 그리고 Moon과의 beating(아마도 대결...이라고 해석해야 하나요?)은 운이 너무 따라줬고. 모든 나이트엘프들이 귀감하고 있는 게 좋지는 않아. (All Night Elves are bad in mirror) 심지어 문이나 내가 져야 할 많은 시간들도. 그러나 나는 사람들이 나를 최고로 생각해주는 걸 좋게 생각해. 나의 플레이를 보는 많은 팬들을 가지고 있는 것도 좋게 생각해; 그러나 나는 더 많은 훈련과 WCG같은 큰 오프라인 대회에서의 입상이 필요한다고 느껴저. 그래서 나는 내가 프로페셔널이라는 것을 증명할 수 있어. 하수에서 고수가 되기 위해 (noob to pro는 뭔가요?) 나는 수년간을 플레이했지.(올해가 워3를 한지 3년째야) 그리고 나는 커스텀과 래더를 mass하고(아마도 플레이인듯?) 그리고 리플레이들과 경기들을 보지. 나는 RoC로 시작했고, ShowTime이 나의 우상이었고, 그리고 RoC나 TFT때 한국의 방송에서 그의 리플레이와 경기들을 보고 그로부터 많은 것을 배웠지. TFT가 came out 됐을때, 나는 게임내적으로(into the game) 스킬 단계를 얻고, 지금까지 오기위해 매우 열심히 했지.


여기까지는 해석을 했는데, 엄청난 압박으로 인해서 그만 ;;;
05/09/12 00:07
수정 아이콘
직역은 역시 보기 불편;
05/09/12 03:02
수정 아이콘
밑에 SK.Insomnia 인터뷰를 영문판으로 올렸습니다.
보기 힘들다고 하시더군요;;

귀찮은 걸 싫어해 리만두 인터뷰 해석도 하는데까지만 하겠습니다.;;
위에 BluSKai 님 댓글에 달린 해석 이후부터 시작합니다.

Many people consider the WarCraft III scene to be dead or dying, especially in Korea where StarCraft has traditionally always been far more popular than WarCraft III. What are your thoughts and opinions on this?

많은 사람들이 워3가 죽거나 죽어가고 있는 게임으로 생각을 하는데, 스타크가 전통적으로 워3 보다 강세인 한국은 특별히 그렇다.
이것에 관해서 어떻게 생각하고 어떤 의견을 가지고 있는가?

I think it's a pity for the WarCraft III community, but since WarCraft III is growing more popular, especially in China, I think WarCraft III will eventually be more popular than StarCraft

워3판에는 굉장히 유감스러운 일이다. 그렇지만 워3는, 특히 중국에서, 계속 발전하고 있고 워3가 결국 스타크보다 더 인기를 끌게 될것이라고 본다.

You recently played in the international ACON5 tournament. You did very well until you reached the finals where you lost 0-4 to Sky. What are your thoughts on this? Any regrets? What happened?

최근에 acon5(세계대회)을 치뤘다. sky 에게 진 결승전 전까지는 정말 잘했는데, 이것에 대해서는 어떻게 생각하냐? 일말의 후회가 있나? 어떤가?

After I lost the first game it wasn't me playing anymore. My brain just stopped functioning, and I didn't practice versus Human much. I only had one strategy and I needed to adjust but I never did which is why I need more experience in offline gaming so I can be a champion internationally and in Korean tournaments.

난 첫판을 진후, 더 이상 겜을 할수 없었다. 내 머리가 바로 굳어졌는데 난 휴먼전 연습을 많이 안했기 때문이다. 난 오직 하나의 전략만을 가지고 있었고 그게 통했어야 되었는데 그러질 못했다. 이런것들이 내가 오프라인경기에서 더 많은 경험을 쌓아야하는 이유고 그래서 이후에 나는 세계대회(블리자드 래더토너먼트인듯?)와 국내대회(ige?) 에서 우승할수 있었다.

You are now involved in another international offline tournament, WCG. How have you been performing in WCG and what are your goals? Who will be your toughest competition?

현재 wcg 라는 세계대회예선을 치르고 있는데. wcg를 위해 무엇을 준비하고 있고 목표가 뭐냐? 그리고 누가 가장 강력한 경쟁자일것 같나?

I want to be the undefeated champion of WCG and I will train very hard to accomplish that. I think that everyone in WCG will be very tough competition as there are so many gosu from all over the world.

난 무패로 wcg 우승을 하고 싶고 또한 열심히 노력할것이다.
wcg에 참가한 세계의 모든 고수들이 강력한 경쟁자들이다.

You just recently defended your title as grand champion of the Season 2 Ladder Tournament. How do you feel about this accomplishment?

최근에 배틀넷 시즌2 래더토너먼트 디펜딩챔피언 자리를 방어했다. 이것에 대해서 어떻게 생각하나?

I didn't think that I would be the champion again as the competition was much greater this season, but I am very happy and grateful for accomplishing this.

이번시즌에는 경쟁자들이 더 강력해서 사실 또 한번의 우승은 생각하지 않았다. 그래서인지 굉장히 기분좋고 이 쾌거에 대해 감사하게 생각한다.

What is your best and worst matchup and why?

가장 잘하는 종족전과 가장 못하는 종족전이 뭐냐? 그리고 이유는?

My best matchup is versus Orc because mass Druids of the Talon is still very strong versus them and my worst matchup is versus Undead because Gargoyle harass is very hard for me to handle with my play style and strategy(ies).

오크전은 자신있는데 탈론개떼가 오크전에 굉장히 강력하기 때문이다. 반면 언데전이 취약한데 가고일의 견제는 나만의 스타일과 전략을 운영하는데 많은 어려움을 주기 때문이다.

How much does WarCraft III mean to you and what are your goals for WarCraft III while you continue to play?

워3는 너에게 어떤의미이고 워3를 하는동안의 목표는 무엇인가?

I think WarCraft III is life for me right now and I hope to have a lot of success while playing it and become the international champion of WarCraft III. I also want to make the most of WarCraft III and how much fun it is for me while I still have the time/opportunity to do so.

워3는 현재 나에겐 삶 그 자체이고 워3를 하는동안 많은 성공과 세계챔피언이 되고 싶다.

How do you prepare for important matchups?

중요한 경기를 앞두고 어떻게 준비하나?

I do everything... Ladder, custom, and watch my enemy's replays. I try to analyze his strategies and weakness and exploit it by using a strategy which will defeat him/her and try to improve my micro.

난 모든걸 다 한다. 래더, 연습겜, 상대의 리플레이를 보는것까지...
그리고 상대의 전략, 약점등을 분석하고 그를 이길수 있는 전략을 개발하며 컨트롤 향상을 위해 노력한다.

다음은...밑에 분이 해주실거라고 믿습니다 ;;
05/09/12 15:02
수정 아이콘

R : Usually I like to stick to something I start, and I started with Night Elf, and it has stuck with my ever since. I didn't want to change to other races, instead just concentrate on one race and get better and better.

보통 나는 한번 시작한거는 끝장을 보는 성격이 있어. 나이트엘프로 시작했고 그후로 계속 이것만 하고 있거든. 다른 종족으로 바꿀 생각은 추호도 없고 한 종족에 집중해서 조내 발전할거야

R : I think that the game is well balanced right now, and that people need to adjust to various strategies instead of using cookie-cutter ones, and then lose, and then call their opponents' units imba. But I think Blizzard's patch 1.19 will make the necessary changes and I will respect them.

현재 게임 밸런스는 잘 맞는거 같아. 다만 맨날 뻔한 전략 들고 나와 지고나서 상대방 유닛은 개사기라고 떠들기보단 다양한 전략을 연구할 필요가 있다고 봐. 그리고 블리자드에 이번에 내놓을 1.19 패치는 적절한 변화를 가져다 줄 거고, 별 수 있나 맞춰가야지.
05/09/12 15:13
수정 아이콘
재미있는 부분이라 여기만 올릴께요..

가고일 : 조내 성가신 넘
언데드 종족 : 개사기 종족
장재호 : 본좌! 신! 그는 나엘이 아냐..
쇼타임 : WE 클랜의 좋은 친구. 개인적으론 우상
소주 : 워3의 진정한 천재.. 근데 노력을 별로 안해
판다 : 언데드에 대적할 수 있는 최고의 중립영웅
비스트마스터 : 나엘의 기둥
위습 : 개사기 유닛
패전트 : 관광놀이..
뱃라이더 : 말도안되는 자살 (워3 유닛을 잘 몰라서^^;; 자폭 유닛인가요 ?)
레벨10 워든 : 최고 개사기.. 모두 달리는거다.. 관광가자!
05/09/14 00:44
수정 아이콘
폴님 번역 추가..
가고일: 짜증나는 견제 유닛 ㅡㅡ
언데드:개사기!![언데 유저로서 절대 공감 못함 ㅡㅡ]
장재호: 신급 플레이어... 뭐, 사실 나엘이 아니긴하지만[':p'이모티콘은 메롱하는 모습입니다.^^;]
김대호: WE팀에서 가장 좋은 형이자 개인적으로 우상이자 친구.
SoJu: 워3의 천재이자 타고난 고수... 하지만 노력을 안한다;
팬더: 언데드 상대로 최고의 나엘 영웅![언데드들이여! 선드레를 하자!ㅡㅡ;]
비마: 나엘의 대들보^^;
위습: 위습 > 모든 유닛...[나엘의 알파이자 오메가죠 ^^;]
페전트: 불쌍한 녀석..[맨날 강X당한다고 표현을 하셨네요.. 저단어를 함부로 쓰는걸 꺼려해서 ㅡㅡ;]
뷁라: 개사기 자폭!!!![동감 ㅡㅡ;]
Lvl10 워든: 최고의 개사기 유닛. 그녀 앞에서는 모두 관광모드이다!^^;
목록 삭게로! 맨위로
번호 제목 이름 날짜 조회
1139 아... 장재호선수 결국 한국을 뜨나요.... [52] BlueSky7664 05/10/06 7664
1138 아.. 아쉽다.. 장재호의 1억 달성... [11] 워크초짜4555 05/10/05 4555
1137 Not yet. But I'll ... [8] Lunatic Love1982 05/10/04 1982
1136 [초강추] 봉석호, 이형주 선수의 초강력 전투력을 보실분? [11] 워크초짜4053 05/10/03 4053
1135 지금 InCup Summer Season Final 상황. [8] nting2683 05/10/03 2683
1134 밑의 퀴즈 정답입니다 ^^ [1] 워크초짜1959 05/10/01 1959
1133 워게가 조용한데... 심심하시면 퀴즈나 풀어보실래요;; [12] 워크초짜2636 05/10/01 2636
1132 장재호의 1억 돌파 과연 가능한가? [12] 워크초짜6062 05/09/26 6062
1131 WCG! 휴먼국대 나오다!!ㅠㅠ!! [13] baicar5143 05/09/25 5143
1130 2005 WCG 워3 대표선수, 프로필 및 간단 소개입니다 ^^ [8] 워크초짜3617 05/09/24 3617
1129 MWL 2 Pre Match:Team Battle 안내 [16] Xeri2665 05/09/23 2665
1128 서러워라, 잊혀진다는 것은(5) - juju, 주정규. [13] The Siria3127 05/09/22 3127
1127 MWL 2 개막 연기 & Pre Match : Team Battle [19] nting2598 05/09/22 2598
1125 1.19 패치가 되었습니다. [24] 뻘짓5693 05/09/20 5693
1124 [SK펌]WCG 네덜란드 예선 워3부문 결과 [13] BluSkai2910 05/09/19 2910
1121 WEG2005 Season3 예선 하이라이트 [4] 우들3335 05/09/12 3335
1120 안녕하세요 처음 올리는 글 이네요...(질문 포함;) [14] Sony_NW-E702439 05/09/11 2439
1119 []WE.Remind interviewed. (08/02) [8] BluSkai2791 05/09/11 2791
1118 WEG 시즌3 중국예선 완료 [7] BluSkai2769 05/09/11 2769
1117 경기 스타일... [8] 아마미2166 05/09/10 2166
1116 서러워라, 잊혀진다는 것은(4) - JoJo, 황연택. [11] The Siria4081 05/09/09 4081
1115 인썸니아 인터뷰 번역 [9] Dr.faust3689 05/09/08 3689
1114 SK.Insomnia 영문 인터뷰입니다. [3] Firehouse2752 05/09/08 2752
목록 이전 다음

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