Date 2005/09/08 16:55:08
Name Firehouse
File #1 050706_SK.Insomnia(Hum)_vs_GG18.Wolf(NE)_TurtleRock_RN.w3g (155.4 KB), Download : 29
File #2 050706_SK.Insomnia(Hum)_vs_GG18.Wolf(NE)_TwistedMeadows_RN.w3g (186.2 KB), Download : 25
Subject SK.Insomnia 영문 인터뷰입니다.
몇안되는 TOP 휴먼이죠. 세계에서 가장 잘한다는 휴먼 5명만 꼽으라면 빠지지 않고
들어가는 선수이기도 하구요.

이번 인터뷰 보면서 첨알았는데 예전 불가리아 스타크래프트 선수중에 Mr.X 라고 있었습니다. KBK 나 WCG(그 전신대회였던 WCGC까지) 에 빠짐없이 국가대표로 한국에 왔던 선수로 알고 있었는데 그게 SK.Insomnia 라네요

개인적으론 예전에 스타크 KBK 온라인예선에서 두어번정도 만났던 기억도 있습니다...;;

지금은 몇 안남은 S급 휴먼고수이자 2003 WCG 챔피언인 그의 인터뷰를
www.replays.net에서 퍼왔습니다.

좀 길지만 읽을만 하더군요. 더불어 그의 적절한(?) vs 나엘전 라지컬 리플도 동봉합니다.

Replays.Net:Firstly, Insomnia, can you introduce yourself to all your Chinese fans?

SK.Insomnia:Hi, my name is Zdravko Georgiev, I’m 21 years old and I live in Bulgaria. Right now I study electronics and communications in the university and I work as a progamer for SK Gaming.

Replays.Net:Thx^^. In China, we all call you Inso for short. Can you tell us the origin of your nickname Insomnia?

SK.Insomnia:Before warcraft3 I have played starcraft for about 4 years and there I used the nickname Mr.X. When I started playing Warcraft I decided to choose a new nickname and will bring me even more success. I was looking for something that sounds good and unique. Then the word Insomnia came to my mind and I was sure that it would be it. Insomnia means a sickness when a person is not able to fall asleep. It has a lot to do with the sleepless nights I spent practicing only that in my case it was not because of a sickness, but because of the neverending will I had to improve myself.
This is how the nickname Insomnia came to be known.

Replays.Net:Ha-ha I think Mr.X is cooler, keke. U have referred that u had played starcraft for 4 years. Then for we Chinese, there is name we must mention, Guo Bin, known as ChinaHuman or CQ2K....u two had met for twice in the wcg, right? Are there some stories between u?

SK.Insomnia:Yes I have known CQ~2000 long before I started playing warcraft3. We met in the quarterfinal of WCG2001 and he eliminated me from the tournament. I still remember that game like it was yesterday.

Replays.Net:And the wcg 2003, u two both got the peak of your career! Esp. for you, the wcg champion is a most wonderful memory. Do you still remember that fantastic time?

SK.Insomnia:Yes, that’s true. When I had to play Bin Guo in the WCG final, there was not only the WCG title at stake, I also had a personal motivation pushing me to try harder and win that match whatever it takes. I remember every second of it.

Replays.Net:Insomnia in the 2003 is the best Insomnia ever, right or not? Is 1.14 patch achieved Insomnia’s Human or Insomnia achieved 1.14’s Human?

SK.Insomnia:The biggest problem I have after 1.14 patch is the change of the AMM system. Right now in ladder when I play 5 or 6 games only 1 of them is against a right opponent. All other games are waste of time and don’t improve my skill but decrease it. That is because in Europe there are not so many good players and with the new AMM it’s very rare when I get any of them. In Asia it is a bit different because the average level of the players there is higher and on ladder you get more good games. I really loved the Asia ladder when I played in Korea for WEG1 and WEG2.I’m a person that practices 99% on the ladder and very rare play custom games, that’s why the 1.14 patch had such a negative effect on my shape. Maybe I should start playing more custom games in the future



Replays.Net:We know that the year of 2004 is not a good time for you, but u had held on and still kept a high spirit for war3. Could you tell us what is the biggest frustration in your war3 history, and how can you make yourself insist on?

SK.Insomnia:In the year of 2004 I lost a lot of my motivation, because I had just won the wcg and thought it was time to take a small rest so if didn’t play as much as before. That explains the rather not good results I gave in 2004. At the end of the year I decided that I don’t want another year like that and started very serious practice and have been playing much better in 2005 as you probably have noticed. I won’t stop here and will keep on playing like I did in 2003 with the hope to become once again what I was in 2003. I did it once, which means I can do it again!

Replays.Net:How long have you been in the and in the war3 squad, who is your best friend? ^^

SK.Insomnia:I’ve been in SK about 3 years now, which makes me the oldest member there. My best friends there are definitely Frog, Heman and Domi, because of the time I spent living with them in Korea, when we played for team Intel.

Replays.Net:How is Mr. Nuke? However, he is not on the now. I think he is a very important person for your gaming career. How do you evaluate him?

SK.Insomnia:Fine I guess, I haven’t spoken much with him since he left SK.
Yes, I've known him for such a long time. He was a team manager of a few teams where I played starcraft. He was also my manager during the most successful time of my warcraft3 career. Also he is the guy who got me in SK, even tho I wasn’t so well known by that time.

Replays.Net:How about SK. Heman? I like his style when he beat UD, but now he was inactive?

SK.Insomnia:Heman went inactive and played some WOW. I hope he’s coming back with fresh ideas for the human race, because we really are in need of some.
I’m sure he will be back in the near future

Replays.Net:How do you regard the present SK team? Compared to 4K, what do you think is the biggest weakness of SK?

SK.Insomnia:Well I think the current SK team is probably the strongest team SK ever had, after the original SK team from 2 and half years ago. We have at least 1 exceptionally good player from each race. We only lack a good 2v2 team right now. Also the team spirit of SK has been rising in the last months.

Replays.Net:How is your typical day now?

SK.Insomnia:In the last week I lived with 3 other Bulgarian players in a flat and we practiced much. So the typical day was wake up play play eat eat play play rest eat play sleep and so on...And I will be here until the end of this week

Replays.Net:Then are you ready for the WCG2005 now? Have practicing some secret strategies for WCG? ^^

SK.Insomnia:No, I just started my serious preparation for the wcg. I took a few weeks break after ESWC. Now I started again because the WCG qualifications in my country are soon and I need to win them. I’m sure I will be back in shape soon enough for WCG.

Replays.Net:Hope u can give the world a big surprise, and bring the HUMAN back to the peak of the warcraft3!!!

SK.Insomnia:That is my hope as well. It's really hard tho with so few human players to give new ideas of approach to different strategies, but I’ll do my best.

Replays.Net:How do think about sky style? Do you often use it when match up orc?

SK.Insomnia:No, vs orc I have my own style, but I like Sky's style vs Night Elf. It's very good and efficient. I use it often when I play NE.

Replays.Net:Recently, many hum players meet big problems when they play with UD players, for example, ToD and Sky. What are your measures to deal with UD’s high-leveled DK+Lich+destroyer?

SK.Insomnia:I’m still looking for the best way to play vs UD. It's so hard; I think destroyer need a small nerf. Rifles die so easy and they are the only counter to destroyer human have. I tried mass hawks but it doesn’t work so well. And I don’t like the mass towers steam tanks strategy, but sometimes it seems like the only solution

Replays.Net:Some ppl think dragon hawks’ great harassing and mass expands is a good strategy to cope with UD?

SK.Insomnia:I used to think it’s the best, but not anymore. If your opponent is well aware of what you will do, it’s easy to counter. It can only be good on lost temple maybe.Dragonhawks unfortunately don’t do enough damage with their attack and die easily to frost nova if no hit points upgrade, so a rush with 5-6 destroyers usually kills you.

Replays.Net:How do u appraise sky, the best china hum player, as u have met in the ESWC 2005? His micro and his strategies?

SK.Insomnia:Sky in my opinion is the best human player outside of Europe. Very calm while playing and has incredible micro. I’m glad to have such player using my race, because he is always able to come up with new strategies and ideas.

Replays.Net:Hehe~Grubby had said you are his favorite player in the war3 scene, because u had ever talked nothing about the balance of this game. Now, I think so~ Moon and 4K.Grubby win so many matches recently, how do think about Grubby and moon style?

SK.Insomnia:Hehe I usually don’t like to talk about the balance and prefer to find my way to deal with the imbalances. I think it’s a weakness to always point at the imbalances when it comes to answer why you lost.Grubby and Moon are both very good players and have all my respect. Grubby was the first orc who started winning after everyone was saying orc is the weakest race and needs buffs and this I think is his most valuable achievement, he built a whole new set of strategies and approaches to the orc race. Since I’m a bit far from the Korean scene I’m not so familiar with Moon but winning both MWL and WEG1 with a total score of 25-0..... He is probably the only one who can achieve that score in the 2 hardest TV leagues.

Replays.Net:Today, many events' champions are NE or Orc, and Hum I think is in a poor situation.

SK.Insomnia:Yes. Unfortunately

Replays.Net:Then I just want to know what do you expect for the 1.19 patch?

SK.Insomnia:I don’t think I am the right person who can say what needs to be done in order to achieve perfect balance. I only hope blizzard will do their work as good as they can.

Replays.Net:In a game, in the final battle, what do you focus on usually? What’s the most important factor in your opinion? And do you think it’s harder for hum to change army’s formation?

SK.Insomnia:It really depends a lot on what units are there in the battle, what heroes and items also. But to answer your second question, yes I think it’s a but harder for human to move his units during the battle, mostly because they are all very slow and human has no speed aura. Also human has a lot of units and they are all very small, so sometimes its hard to select them if there are many units in the battle.

Replays.Net:Insomnia’s groupings?

1 - Heroes and units (footmen/rifles/summons)
2 - spellcasters/hawks if not casters
3 - Barracks later changes to mortars/griffons/hawks/flying machines
4 - Sanctum
5 - Blacksmith
Only use numbers from 1 to 5

Replays.Net:Well, we all know u like to match up with NE most, and what is your worst match up, and why?

SK.Insomnia:Right now – Undead, u know the reasons ^_^I like Ne and Orc the most, because I think those matchups are well balanced

Replays.Net:I think your answer is so unique^^ many hum players don't think so I think.
Upcoming question is a little funny, in you opinion who is the sorceress in your real life? ^^

SK.Insomnia:Ha-ha. I’m yet to meet the girl able to turn me into a sheep

Replays.Net:But is there a girl that can slow u?

SK.Insomnia:Ha-ha maybe. But I’m revealing no more details

Replays.Net:Hope you can be happy, I think it's also all your Chinese fans' wish!
Who do you think is the top3 war3 players now in the world?


Replays.Net:No Korean UD player?

SK.Insomnia:If a Korean UD must be in the top 3, that’s gotta be FoV. Altho GoStop and Lucifer both so strong. Only that a Korean UD haven’t won a major tourney in the near past

Replays.Net:How is your schooling.....?

SK.Insomnia:Well I’m studying in the university informatics and telecommunications, but due to my gaming activities I got a lot of exams left to catch up.

Replays.Net:Well I have known that u had liked football most, and how is now?

SK.Insomnia:Oh, that was really a long time ago. Don’t know where u heard it, but it’s true. When I was younger I was as addicted to football as I am to computer games right now. My dream was to become a successful international football player, and I trained it for 3-4 years, but when I was 13 I broke my arm very bad and after the surgery I wasn’t able to train for the next year. After that year I started to get into computer games and never got out of them
Right now I have no interest for football whatsoever. Don’t even know what the national team of Bulgaria is

Replays.Net:Then besides war3 or games, what do you like to do most?

SK.Insomnia:Hang out with friends; watch movies, drink beer, party-_-

Replays.Net:How do you treat Warcraft 3? As a pro or just as a hobby?

SK.Insomnia:Definitely as a job

Replays.Net:The last question. After retiring, what will Mr.Inso be? An organizer or others?

SK.Insomnia:When I retire I wish to build my own team, but that’s still in the future and nobody knows what will actually happen. I can only tell for sure that I want to be working in the e-sports sphere, since that’s the thing I know the best ^_^

Replays.Net:OK thx for you accepting my interview

SK.Insomnia:No, thank you for doing it. I love your page

Replays.Net:Then say something to all your Chinese fans, ok?

SK.Insomnia:I wanna thank my Chinese fans for their continued and dedicated support. They have turned in my eyes to be really faithful and they don’t change favorites after a bad game (like some others do). Most of my fans in china have been supporting me since 2003, and have also supported me during my bad (2004) year and are still with me.
Thank you and I will keep on doing my best for you!

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
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번역한게 있을줄 알고 내렸는데 OTL... 난감하네요...
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암튼 역시 그도 언데드 상대로는 난감하다고 얘기하는군요...ㅠㅠ
이런저런 조합으로도 힘들다니....쩝...
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한 화면 정도 읽다가 포기 -_-;;
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