Date 2007/05/02 22:36:55
Name 퍼플레인
Subject [re] [Grade-B column by sylent] Damnit, Nal_rA.
이번 글은 Means님이 초벌번역해 주셨습니다.
포스팅이 늦은 점 사과드립니다.


[Grade-B column by sylent] is the grade-B discourse about StarLeague between sylent(Jongwha Park), who prefers Starleague to Worldcup and is fascinated by the clever all-in strategies rather than the boring mass combats, and Wang-il(Hyunjoon Kim), being a StarLeague lover as much as sylent, with more emphasis on balances among maps and races for the day of stable and common plays would prevail.

[Grade-B column by sylent] Damnit, Nal_rA!

On January 11th, 2007, last Thursday, at 6 p.m. On completing all training courses, I started nagging my boss to step on it. It was around 7 when I arrived at Sunleong, and I hurried to Sunleong Station after a short meeting with dinner. I would not let myself miss another 'Holy War' this time. Never. When I finally made it to [MBCgame Hero Center] in the labyrinth of Coex, Bifrost's army of Battlecruisers was shooting down the pitiful Wraiths of Xellos. By the entrance door of the studio, Light[alive] and a looking-like-sAviOr-girl were taking a picture together, while his fans were shouting 'You look so handsome!' and he smiling back with his 'stiff' look. And the 'Holy War' was about to begin.


[MBCgame Hero Center] was already packed. But it could not stop me in any way. I came to feel the 'Holy War' and nothing else. I shoved myself into the crowd. The heat from the people made me wipe the sweat out on my forehead. Figuring out that I would be able to see not a fraction of the screen nor the players, I climbed a ladder in the back of the studio. The tension that I could fall down anytime and my bent posture on the ladder gave me a 'spasm' but I was ready to endure anything that would take to watch the 'Holy War.'

A male fan, perhaps a member of his fanclub in my guess, directed the cheer. "Ok everybody, when I say 'Kang-min, one, two, three,' you say 'Kwang-elujah!'" He seemed dissatisfied with the people's reaction, and explained it repetitively. And the audiences, including myself, shouted 'Kwang-elujah' after him.

(Translator's Note: Kwang-elujah is a coined word, a combination of Kwang and Halleujah. Kwang stems from his family name, Kang, and it means brightness or madness in Korean.)

Damnit, Nal_rA!

Upon checking out Nal_rA's second gateway, I thought it did not matter if the 2 gate Zealot push would not do much harm to his opponent. He could safely get the nat and launch an attack on Zerg's third expansion with Zealots. Even if he failed, he still had a chance to win if he could clean out the Muta harrassment with a minimum number of Corsairs and maintain comparable number of expansions while levying his combat units. And so continued was the play, flawlessly, until the very moment when the Corsairs left Nal_rA's main base.

On November 5th, 2006, in [SKY Proleague], sAviOr defeated Reach 'in the same way.' Nal_rA, in the exact 'same way' as his teammate, had to give up his main base. It was an absurd mistake. Did he just forget, for a moment, that having Corsairs does not guarantee a permenant security from the Muta raid? sAviOr did not drag on the game. Nal_rA was staring at the monitor after the game, with a faint smile on his face. And that was the end of my patience.

'Damnit, Nal_rA! I came all the way from Daejeon to cheer for you. I thought today would be a 'festival.' I have proclaimed that you were the 'hope' and the 'spirit' of Protoss. And all you can do to me is to make me watch such a crap!' For about a second, I was disappointed with him.

The Reason I’m Counting on Nal_rA

I am not a fan of a specific player. I like the absolute monarchy of the strongest one, who rules in his period. I also like the revolutionists, who would overthrow the system. That was why I was into Boxer, Nada, iloveoov and particularly sAviOr in these days. However, for this 'Holy War' I was all for Nal_rA. I wanted to be assured that there would be a Protoss player to beat sAviOr, and for me, Nal_rA was the one.  

There are many Protoss players with an ability to mass. However, I'm counting on Nal_rA only because when it comes down to 'powering,' Protoss has a razor-thin chance to win Zerg. After a certain stage of the game, Protoss' units can only be levied arithmetically while Zerg can pump units exponentially. We still remember how many Protoss players had to be on their knees before ChoJJa, July, GoRush and sAviOr. However big army of ground units Protoss has, the sunkens are still stressful. For Protoss, retreat of units in a large scale battle against Zerg in the center of the map is equivalent to nothing but a surrender. (except for some extraordinary cases)

Protoss facing Zerg has to distort the normal progress of the game with the variation of strategies and tactics, so that Zerg's build would be tangled while Protoss would tech without a mess. That is why Protoss has to be clever, and as far as I know, Nal_rA is the most 'clever' Protoss.

So, sorry for sAviOr, but again, I'm for Nal_rA in the fourth 'Holy War' as well, if there will be one. I will keep my eyes on how he will recover from the loss and coordinate what he has learned from this match. I will gauge if he can take any step further to assimilate himself into Protoss. A player should speak with the game, not with the words. I will see if he can answer to the questions of fans in the next match.

Damnit, Nal_rA! So, you be the winner next time for sure.


Original article by sylent (
First Translation by Means @ (
Final Translation and Edition by PurpleRain

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
07/05/03 06:30
수정 아이콘
아.. 제가 번역을 시도할려고 맘 먹었던 글 중의 하나 였는데, 요즘은 시간이 없어서 미루고 있었는데, Means 님께서 먼저 하셨군요. 수고 많으셨네요. :)
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