Date 2007/04/12 00:30:05
Name 퍼플레인
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Subject [re] FP(Force Point) - Measuring the players' Force!


Original article by ClassicMild
Translation by PurpleRain

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
I thought its was guite hard and took long to translate when I read this article even though it would be really good for foreigners. However, PurpleRain already did it. What a great job ~!. :). And also, I am pleased we have visitors, hopely we can have more and communicate each other.
This is such a fabulous article, and I immediately planned to translate it leaving a comment in classic mind님's cyworld asking for permission. But, to no avail I have received no reply. I only speculated, discontended, that he went back to serve for the army duty. But, here it is, and in such an elegant fashion, too. Thank you, and, please, allow me to relay it. I can't wait for 'them' to read this superb article, and as just as superb translation of it.

And, again thank you for your reply on the post below.
They were very important for me.
07/04/12 08:47
수정 아이콘
wow.. so impressed... must have been a lot of work..
great job.
07/04/12 11:24
수정 아이콘
rinizim님/ This is my great pleasure you read this article and replied it. I don't mind any type of relay or translation. I would rather appreciate your praise and interest about this trifle article - I mean the original article, not the traslated one. Translation is wonderful!! Thank you, PurpleRain님. And if you have any questions about this article or players' FP, you can ask me whenever you want.

퍼플레인님/ 멋진 번역 감사합니다. 대단하네요^^ (글이 다시 태어난 느낌이에요!) 수고하셨습니다(__)
07/04/24 04:01
수정 아이콘
영문으로보니 이건뭐 보고선데요?
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