Date 2007/08/24 04:59:12
Name 우리동네안드
Subject [소식] KnofF는 Just players를 떠난다.
KnofF leaves Just Players
KnofF는 Just players를 떠난다.

Swedish orc player "KnofF" seems has decided to follow his fellow swede LiiLD.C and decide to leave Just Players. It was brought to our attention by forum member NaNiwa that noticed KnofF departing the Just.Players ESL roster, KnofF is participating at the ENC Finals this weekend and does not seem to have a new team as of yet.

스웨덴 오크 선수 "KnofF"는 그의 동료 스웨덴인 LiiLD.C를 따라가기로 결심한것으로 보여지고 Just Players를 떠나기로 결정했다. 이것은 Just.Players ESL 로스터를 떠난 KnofF를 알아차린 포럼멤버 Naniwa에의해서 주목을 끌었다. KnofF는 이 주말 ENC Final에 참석할려고 하고 아직 새팀를 갖은것으로 보이지안는다.

KnofF joined Just.Players when they broke away from World Elite and decided to go solo less than a month ago. When he joined he was the 3rd swede alongside departed LiiLD.C and of course Madfrog, KnofF claimed in his statement at the time "I’m also a very good friend with LiiLD.C who always supports me so I think I will feel very good in the team with him", which could account for his immediate departure once LiiLD.C decided to leave.

그들이 World Elite에 독립했을때 KnofF는 Just.Players에 합류했고 한달전보다 적은 솔로로 가기로 결심했다. 그가 합류했을때 그는 떠난 LiiLD.C를 옆에대고 3번째 스웨덴인이였고 물론 Madfrog, KnofF는 그떄에 "나는 또  항상 나를 지원해준 LiiLD.C와 매우 좋은 친구이다. 그래서 나는 내가 그와 함께 팀에서 매우 좋게 느낄것이라고 생각헀다."그의 진술을했었다. 그것은  LiiLD.C가 떠나자마자한 그의 즉각적인 이탈에대해 설명할수있다.

The Just.PLayers line-up is now as follows:

Just.PLayers 라인업은 이제 다음처럼 이다.


SK Gaming will keep you informed on the movements of KnofF and wishes him the best of luck in his search for a new home as well as to Just.Players in coping with the loss of 2 key players in quick succession.


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