Date 2007/08/23 00:31:00
Name 우리동네안드
Subject [소식] GG Client 버전 2.0은 공개되었다.
GG Client Version 2.0 Released
GG Client 버전 2.0은 공개되었다.

This morning, GG Game released an official 2.0 version of their free gaming platform known as GG Client. Until now, GG Client was mainly used for Warcraft III due to its delay improvements compared to playing on, although it supported other games as well.

이 아침 GG Game은 지금까지 GG Client로써 알려진 그들의 자유 게임 플렛폼의 공식 2.0버전을 공개했다. GG Client가 다른게임들도 잘 지원하지만 GG Client는 Battle.net에 경기하는것에 비교해 그것의 딜레이를 개선때문에 워크래프트3를 위해 주요하게 사용되어졌다.

GG Game decided to raise the number of Counter Strike players by adding a Counter Strike 1.6 Ladder and various items in a newly opened GG Shop, such as Anti-Blind Goggles, Power Jump Ability among many other things with a 1 month trial. The ladder is not yet functional, however it should be online as soon as possible.

GG Game은 Counter Strike 1.6 Ladder와 새롭게 오픈된 GG Shop에 1달동안 많은 다른것들 사이에 Anti-Blind Goggles와 Power Jump Ablity같은 다양한 아이템를 추가함으로서 Counter Strike 선수들의 수를 놀리기로 결심했다.  래더는 아직 작용하지안지만 이것은 가능하면 곧 온라인이될것이다.

Version 2.0 change log can be found below:

Version 2.0 변화 로그는 아래에서 찾아 볼수있다:

New Client Layout and User Interface! Some icons are re-arranged.
Room List Cleaned and Looks more neat now.
Casual Games added.
Avatar System Added. The function of purchasing will be added in upcoming version.
Payment System implemented. (Guide to payment here)
Counter Strike 1.6 Ladder added. (here)
Added User Guide for first time user.
Gold Membership can now be purchased. (Detailed information: here)
Improvement on Server Side.
Solve the problem of Vista User cannot enter Room
Fixed Screen Flash Problem
Russian and Spanish version GGClient now available.
TFT 1v1 Ladder is back!
Improved anti maphack system
A lot of changes and fixes on Client side.


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