Date 2007/05/01 23:13:56
Name 우리동네안드
Subject [소식] Butterfly Gaming 태어나다.
Butterfly Gaming is Born
Butterfly Gaming 태어나다.

Kings of Warcraft 3 have not had the best of seasons in the WC3L, they finished dead last and suffered several line-up changes with Jae Hyuk "SouthSea" Le leaving and before swiftly rejoining then leaving again as well as the departure of Kwon Oh "FiveStar" Seong & Woo "WinNerS" Kim in early March.

Kings of Warcraft3는 WC3L에서 최고의 시즌를 갖지못했다. 그들은 김빠진 마지막을 마치고 여러번 라인업이 초기 경기에서 Jae Hyuk "SouthSea" Le떠나고 Kwon Oh "fiveStar" Seong과 Woo "WinnerS" Kim의 이탈과 동시에 신속히 다시 떠난것을 보충하기전 바뀌었다.

However sponsorship problems did not help matters and a large portion of the remaining line-up and 3 of the team managers deciding to leave the organisation last Monday. It is now been discovered they have united under a new name "Butterfly Gaming", with Winners, SouthSea and FiveStars returning to to team to make the new line-up consist of only players from Russia and South Korea.

하지만, 후원 문제는 지난 월요일 조직을 떠나기로 결심한 팀매니져 3명과 라인업을 남겨두는 분배재산과 일를 도울수없다. 그들이 러시아와 남한출신의 선수들로만 구성되어진 새라인업으로 만들어진 팀으로 다시돌아온 Winners,SouthSea와 FiveStar와 함께 "Butterfly Gaming"으라는 새이름아래 연합했다는 것이 드러났다.

The team will hope to re-qualify for the WC3L Season XII however they have already suffered their first defeat to German Clan "Evo" in the TGL but it is early days and assuming they can maintain a stable line-up they look like a force to be reckoned with. We will see whether they have the firepower to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee in the near future.

팀은 WC3L Season XII에 다시 예선에 참가하기를 희망할것이지만 그들은 벌써 TGL에서 독일 클랜 Evo에게 그들의 첫패배를 경험했다. 그러나 초기이고 그들이 안정적인 라인업를 유지할수있다고 가정하면 기세를 고려해넣어져야 할것처럼 보인다.

Butterfly Gaming line-up looks like this:

Butterfly Gaming 라인업은 이와 같이 보인다.

  Point - Team Captain

SK-Gaming wishes Butterfly Gaming good luck in the future as well as a return to form for Kings of Warcraft 3


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