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Date 2001/05/16 05:23:57
Name pgr21
Subject [선수소개] 게임큐 2회 월드챔피언쉽 [영문] - 수정 forum에 누가 올렸더군요.

다 맞는지는 모릅니다.


1.[GG99]Slayer (Norway)

Slayer I am sure everyone here knows, he can play all races, but he masters in the terran race. He is insanely good at all terran matchups, and I would say he has the best chance out of the world team. Unless Grrrr decides to take his p vs z to another level since he hasn't been doing so well in that, as well as p vs p. But slayer pretty much choose his race in all matchups. T against Z, P against T, and Z against P. He's a strong player.

2.[GG8]Sven@abs (Norway)

I have seen sven play, unfortunately I don't know much about him. From what I saw he is a really strong player, but he didn't impress me that much.

3.[GG1]Elky@JH (France)

See sven

4.(orky)~soul~ (Russia)

This guy is a not bad player, His z vs p is known at least by me and most top players as insanely good. I am not sure about his other matchups. But he has beaten up on intotherain and grrrr in z vs p rather handidly. Ask myst or astic about this guy, he's good.

5.(orky)Asmodey (Russia)

Just like soul, except he plays all matchups. Another potential from the world team. I really like his game. I have only seen him play 1 game as zerg, and his muta control was very very good. I like his style

6.Smuft (Canada)

I really think this guy is a sleeper. He is very impressive IMO, although I have seen myst beat him up many times. I still think that he has a great chance of doing something. Probably won't make it all the way, but is in the upper tier of all the players. He randoms or picks. Doesn't have a preffered race.

7.{PH}Pillars (USA)

Pillars is a good friend of mine, and he doesn't play 1on1 like he used to before, but then again, he used to be in korea. He plays mostly 2on2, but some days I'll see him and he just got done playing on a ladder 20 straight 1on1 games. Probably winning like 95% of them. His toss is awesome, and if he is on his game, he certainly can pull many upsets.

8.1st~Tsunami (USA)

This is the guy I am not sure about. He is an amazing zerg. He has beaten top protoss and top terrans recently taking down themarine, even though marine beat him up a few times after that. I have played him and his ling/hydra micro is quite scary. Very Very good at controlling his zerg units while he macros. I see him doing well, but I don't know how his non-temple game is, nor do I know if he can defeat a korean zerg.

9.Fennect-The-Fox (Canada)

I beat this guy 2-0 with 8 rax.. he complained about me rushing him... . . . .... against korean rushers, I am sure he will be crying all day.. what I want to know is... who choose this guy? Corbalt, Astic, or Myst would have been a much better choice :-/ and HE's zerg, so he will lose against a korean once he faces it.

10.Yosh)_vc.20 (USA)

All I need to know about this guy is that he had like a 1600+ gamei rating and astic says he's scary. THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.

11.Jamers)_vc.0 (USA)

Toss player, I have seen him in action from the cloud ladder, and he doesn't impress me THAT MUCH. He's very good, but I think that corbalt is a better player. Only cause corb owns at p vs p :O!!!

12.Saft-The-Feared (Sweden)

Saw this guy play once, in a 2on2, had great great control. I hear he is quite good. I guess we will see.

13.Han.G)Grrrr (Canada)

If he chooses toss, he is either going to lose, since all the other players in his bracket are GOSU ZERGS. I mean gosu. Oops, Skelton, and tsunami. So either grrr goes down in flames, or he becomes jesus again and rapes everyone in his path to win the title. His p vs z has been bad as of late, but grrr does well in the big game. so we will see.

14.[GG69]NTT (Netheland)

.. ok.. =[ See fennec the fox

15.[GG10]Storm~)SDT (France) also know as EvilMetal  

I don't know anything about this guy except he is always at big tourneys reporting, so he must be good  

16. znzf

I choose him to win the tourney, best player in the world right now.

2회 챔피언쉽 출전선수중 하나인 1st~Tsunami가 broodwar.com에 올린겁니다.
관심있는 분 보시길..

(inspired by Venom, and NTT)

World players (description IMHO):

1.[GG99]Slayer (Norway) :
King of the World Gosus... he just rapes (me, at least). He outplayed me just about everygame. I wish I could watch him play more to learn. He is more orthodox than TheMarine (who has done some sick shit vs me), but no less skilled.

2.[GG8]Sven@abs (Norway) :
Prince of the World Gosus... he is damn good when he cares, which is unfortunately not that often. I couldn't guess what my record is vs him, but he is not overrated. He has shown enough skill to earn my respect (NTT, PLEASE i hope you respond to that statement  Sven's playing style is a little on the wild side, probably because he gets bored with standard ssip bal.

3.[GG1]Elky@JH (France) :
Most French of World Gosus?... he is manner. I like him most the time. Skilled, naturally, yet I do not play him enough to know just how skilled. As far as I know, he has played more than 100+ games on, implying unusual patience, and his playing style is mostly standard.

4.(orky)~soul~ (Russia) :
Most Laggy of World Gosus... he is very manner, to me. Although I have heard rumors of an extraordinary amount of skill in this one, I have yet to find it in totality. No offense ;D He does definitely deserve a spot on the world team though, when he's playing good (he is pretty consistent, unlike many others on this list). I might even be under 50% vs him, however, my T owns his Z, ND. =P Actually, i COULD be under 50% vs quite a few people on this list, and since I can not say that for sure, I will not say it at all, and instead describe them as laudatory as I deem fit. Soul's playing style is off-key, not as fickle as sven, but in the same ballpark.

5.(orky)Asmodey (Russia) :
Most Russian of World Gosus... he is a bad ass. Although I haven't played him in a while, I know that he was really good. He has given me some pretty hard games, doing mostly standard strategy, which isn't bad ;D When you play this guy, keep in mind all you have to do to beat Russian terran is prepare for drop. =D

6.Smuft (Canada) :
Most Changed of World Gosus... he is mostly mannerless to random people, but more manner to those he knows. I've known him for a long time, and he has always had skills. He has recently changed to all toss, for some incomprehensible reason. He's the reason I always keep a lord in my main, zvp. He enjoys doing 'cute' strategy, which I like. However, his 1 standard strat pvz isn't that bad either (fairly quick temps off a rush to cannon before temp, expand after temp)

7.TAMM|MMMBop (clueless) :
Most Unknown of World Gosus... I dont know where they go this guy. I don't know him. Probably skilled, but I wouldn't know.

8.1st~Tsunami (USA) :
Most Cool Name of World Gosus?... ^^ I couldn't say if he is skilled or not, because I am 0-0 vs him (NTT, PLEASE again respond to this ... His playing style is his own, mostly emphasizing lings/defilers, and in zvz, hydra. Also, he advises getting a queen in everygame you play. They come in handy.

9.Fennect-The-Fox (Canada) :
Most Wrongly Spelled Name of World Gosus... I don't know why they added a 't' to his name, but whatever. Before he stopped playing, he was really good in all Z matchups. I played him a lot, and my ZvZ vs expo grew dramatically when I was playing him/Subkaiser. Also, he was ZvP master, and I will always remember my rapings as toss = His playing style is mostly standard.

10.Yosh)_vc.20 (USA) :
Most Reticent of World Gosus... This guy just never talks :O Probably, he doesn't want to waste his time, and I understand that. The few games I have played vs him, I was beaten, but.... Well I hope he doesn't do that strat vs me in the tourney ;D He has of late been lauded so highly that one might think that he is a god. That he may be, but I did not see anything too special with him... I'd need more games to be certain. I'm not sure of his playing style

11.Jamers)_vc.0 (USA) :
Most Determined of World Gosus... Or at least, used to be. I haven't seen him on in a while, but he always enjoys a good raping, and that is something I approve of highly. The ability to enjoy losing game after game (assuming its not cuz of bad mouse/keyboard or rust) is one of the prerequisites to becoming truly gosu, IMHO. He has growth potential as a toss player, just like Corbalt.... however, he still needs to learn Corbalt's magic dt strat ;D His playing style is mostly standard, which is amazing, because toss usually can't win straight-up.

12.Saft-The-Feared (Sweden) :
Most Swedish of World Gosus... I haven't played him that much, and I do not remember my games vs him. He played similar to 006Trevelyan at the time, meaning he is gosu, however he could easily have changed since then. I do not know his skill or playing style.

13.Han.G)Grrrr (Canada) :
Most Korean of World Gosus... (sorry for insult) (sorry for secondary insult to kors .... I have played vs him quite a few times, and he amazes me. Somehow, his probes bring back 12 mineral instead of 8, and he always has 6 cannons around nexus, and at choke, and enough temps to take anything T___T . If you haven't heard of him, then you've been living away from starcraft for quite some time. His playing style is his own version of standard, which I can not directly classify. Heard he is quite gosu on nontemple, and can't wait to find out. He is also remarkably manner.

14.[GG69]NTT (Netheland) :
Most Bad Manner of World Gosus... A disgrace to my Dutch heritage, NTT has proven again and again that he lacks the aforementioned prerequisite to becoming truly gosu. He has skills, no doubt, but such a quick temper that I do not believe he will ever become truly great. He often says that he is 'just joking', but... i think thats just his defense, and not the truth :O Excluding the past 2 months, and the first month I met him, he basically raped me everygame. I liked. If you want to know my recent record... ask him. And then ask me if you want the truth ;D His playing style is odd. He is a master of different playing styles, and varies it up quite well.

15.[GG10]Storm~)SDT (France) also know as EvilMetal :
Most Master of this Forum of World Gosus... and obviously I ran out of things to call these guys long ago ;D I do not know his skill level or playing style, but I do know that He has to erase quite a few losses off my ladder. Me 90k points, bulgarian 60k points, and bulgarian 141 units made 139 units lost = bulgarian wins? = WHAT THE HUK??? Note to all players: Avoid the bulgarians... they ALL HACK. Not just maphack either... AutoWin hack T_T

16.[GG14]Chobo.Snp (France) :
Most Chobo of World Gosus... namewise, not skillwise =p
I do not know chobo well enough to call him gosu, but I have seen some games of his vs koreans which show that he is at least partially gosu. I saw nothing special, but obsing 4 games means nothing. His playing style is standard.

Well, that concludes my list and I can't wait for NTT not to respond just because I asked him too  He is quite a silly entity and I wish him happiness and prosperity in his life after getting over his ego.

I wish I could've made this a little more complete, but I just don't know a few of the players on the list by more than name only =


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04/01/08 02:19
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아.. 이런 내용 이었군요..-_-
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