- 경험기, 프리뷰, 리뷰, 기록 분석, 패치 노트 등을 올리실 수 있습니다.
Date |
2006/03/25 18:00:28 |
Name |
전인민의무장 |
Subject |
다시보는 옛날 베르트랑 선수의 원문 인터뷰. |
밑에 분이 올리신 pimpest plays가 있는 사이트의 옛날 베르트랑 선수의 인터뷰인데요. 그냥 심심해서 올려봅니다. 옛날 인터뷰긴 하지만 재밌네요. 스타를 보지 않을때라 이름밖에 몰랐는데 웬지 모르게 정이 가더군요. 2003년의 인터뷰입니다. french가 아니라 사실 원문은 아니군요. 순서는 뒤죽 박죽입니다.
하나하나 다 번역할까 하다가 그냥 놔둡니다. 원문으로 읽는게 느낌이 더 살거든요.
이걸 읽어보면 그는 임요환 선수를 거만하다고 (kinda arrogant towards every other gamer) 표현하네요. 그를 그렇게 좋아하지는 않는다고 하였고요. 다른 게이머들을 그의 연습상대로만 생각하고 당시에 가난하던 팀메이트 들에게 밥한번 사주지 않았다고 합니다. 게이머로서의 정신력은 높게 본다고 하지만요.
[SCL] In every VOD I've seen of you vs Boxer, he has beaten you, and you have looked atleast a little pissed off about it. What kind of relationship do you and Boxer have? Have you had any particularly memorable games with him, or exchanged any trash-talk?
[Elky] I don't like him that much, but we have a decent relationship. He's kinda arrogant towards every other gamer, but I have to rekon that he has the right to do that, considering what he achieved.
[SCL] In what ways is he arrogant?
[Elky] back in the days when he was in IS team. except maybe for yellow, he would have look at any other member of the team as just another practice partner. And most of them were really poor while boxer was making 150k+ US$ a year. and he never bought them any meal or stuff. but I'm sure being in his position is something really hard, and gaming wise, his mental strength is the best.
[SCL] As some people know, SlayerS_`BoxeR`
그리고 iloveoov를 알아 보는군요. 아마추어 이상이라고 평하네요. 하하.
[SCL] As some people know, SlayerS_`BoxeR` recently hired 3 players (one for each race) as practice partners. To many peoples' surprise, all 3 were completely unknown, 2300+ Gamei players. What do you think of that? Do you think there are many unknown gosus throughout the world capable of making a huge impact on the Starcraft scene? Any specific unknowns you know of that you think don't get the attention they should?
[Elky] I think it's pretty smart from Boxer, because it avoids a lot of internals and relationships problems between existing teams. There are a lot of gosu players that could do really good, but you also have to consider their determination and their abilities to handle pressure, wich are as important as their pure skills in the game. If I have to say one I'd say iloveoov who is so good for an amateur, but I'm sure there are some others like him.
그리고 이건 그가 생각하는 각 종족 베스트 플레이어 들이고요.
[SCL] Which 3 players overall would say are the best Terran/Protoss/Zerg users?
[Elky] Terran : 1. Nada, 2. Boxer, 3. Xellos
[Elky] Protoss : 1. Reach, 2. Zeus, 3. Nal_Ra (considering Garimto is retired)
[Elky] Zerg : 1. Yellow, 2. Chojja, 3. Jinnam
한국여자들에 대해선 외국인들에 대해 부끄럼을 타고 호기심이 있는 모습(shy and curious)이긴 한데 뭐 괜찮다고 표현하네요. 한국문화 자체가 원래 저렇고 이해하기 어렵다고 하는군요.
맵핵에 관해서도 언급했는데, 이부분은 직접 번역 하겠습니다.
[SCL] 많은 외국인들 (특히 미국인들)은 한국인들은 맵핵을 즐겨 쓴다고 생각한다. 한국인이나 문화에 대해 해명하고 싶은 루머들은 없는가?
[Elky] 많은 한국인들이 배틀넷에서 맵핵을 즐겨쓰는건 사실이다. 모든 피씨방에는 맵핵이 설치되어 있다. 그러나 게임아이나 다른 진지한 곳에선 맵핵이 성행하지 않는다고 생각한다. 피씨방 갔을때 40살 아저씨가 빅게임 헌터에서 맵핵키고 게임하는 모습을 보는건 참 웃기더라 -.-
[SCL] How are the women? =]
[Elky] They are really nice. Most of them are kinda shy and curious about foreigners, but they're all so sweet and lovely. Korean culture is a little bit strange about that too, and hard to understand. but I really do like korean girls. ;)
[SCL] A lot of foreigners (particularly Americans) are under the impression that all Koreans maphack. Are there any rumors about Koreans and their culture that you would like to dispel?
[Elky] Well, it's true that a lot of them do map hack on b.net and stuff like that, map hack is installed on almost all the computers in pc bang (PC Cafes), but as for gamei and competitive stuff like that i really dont think they do. It's always funny when you walk in a pc bang and see some 40 year old guy map hacking on big game hunters -.-
테란 고수가 되기 위한 그의 충고도 있는데 참........
[Elky] 오클리 선글라스를 써라. 그러면 너의 게임을 보는 눈은 달라질것이다.
[SCL] If there were one piece of advice you could give to anyone trying to become a gosu Terran user, what would it be?
[Elky] Wear Oakley sunglasses and your vision of the game will be changed to another level.
통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용
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